Outside portraits of Iisa

Time has flown…it seems that Iisa was born just yesterday and now she is already big enough to play outside. Today right after nap and snack (=happy kid) I decided to try to take some quick natural light portraits outside. My idea was to make her sit in the middle of a dandelion field. The reality was that none of the dandelion “fields” around our house were big enough, just a couple of flowers. Due to this, the photos ended up being normal on-the-grass portraits. In addition to the above shot, I somehow like the one below with Ode and Iisa:

Rest of the photos (+some extras from today) in slideshow: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2012-05-20%20Outside%20portraits%20of%20Iisa/?action=slideshow

..and in folder mode: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2012-05-20%20Outside%20portraits%20of%20Iisa/

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