Few shots of Henkka windsurfing

Yesterday we had a good windy day. I got a chance to get a few quick shots of Henkka windsurfing. The reason I was not in water windsurfing myself was that my own boom broke at Melkki (about 1km southeast of Lauttasaari) and I had to swim back in the 10-15m/s wind pulling my gear behind me. Lesson: Never buy a used boom! 🙂

Unfortunately it was already so late when I finally got back ashore and got my camera out that Henkka was also finishing. I did not get a any shots of his back or front loops….sorry about that! We agreed to do a photo shoot during this autumn to get those on camera. So watch this space in the future.

The rest of the few photos are at: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2011-09-14+Surffausta+Larussa/

For tech geeks:

Nothing special here, I just quickly got my Sigma 50-150/2.8 and snapped a few shots before Henkka finshed.