Rain drops at Nuuksio

Today we had a morning hike with our family in Nuuksio. It was really delightful to see that both of the older kids walked for almost 3 hours. Jenny found some mushrooms, kids ate blueberries and found treasures and I got to take some photos. Some of the photos can be found at: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2011-09-10+Nuuksiossa/

For the tech geeks

I wanted to test how the electronic extension rings work with my Tamron 17-50/2.8 zoom lens. The 36mm extension ring was max. that could be used with the lens, otherwise the focus point would be inside the lens. 🙂

The above macro shot is taken with the Tamro lens and a 20mm extension ring.





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