After a windy Saturday, the dawn on Sunday was beautiful. This photo is from our summer place. Without our kids waking up so early, I would never get to see these moments. So after all there are positive things from them waking up so early 🙂
Category Archives: Nature
Summer creatures in September
Yesterday we received a beautiful, warm and sunny afternoon. It seemed like the nature had woken up to a summer day. The whole yard was littered with flies, bees, grasshoppers, butterflies and other creatures of summer.
The air was filled with grasshopper sound. And by being patient (not one of my strong points), I was able to spot a few of them: Continue reading
Water drop macros
We had a proper autumn storm on Friday night with rain and wind. After rain, on Saturday morning, it was a perfect time to shoot some macros.
The water drops can act like windows to a new world: Continue reading
Autumn is coming…
Now there is no way to ignore it, autumn is coming. The weather is getting colder and rainier, days are getting shorter and the trees are starting to drop their leaves. I really love some parts of autumn, like this morning. It was just beautiful: sunshine after heavy rain. I think the above shot resembles the first sign of autumn on a summery green lawn. Continue reading
After rain macros
To celebrate 1st of September, nature greeted us with an autumn storm last night. Today there was nothing but wet nature to remind us from the storm. I really like to go out after rain to shoot macros. I packed Iisa in to the Deuter backpack, gave Oona and Ode boxes to collect some blueberries into and headed into the woods nearby. It was a nice morning in nature with the kids. We even spotted a snail saying the it will be sunshine tomorrow: Continue reading
Incredients of summer
Summer scenes
During summer holidays at our summer place, we were able to witness some of the most beautiful sunsets. The week also offered some beautiful morning mist on the lake:
A collection photos is available at:
It is the time of the year that the seagulls have plenty of food. “Salakkas” are spawning at the shoreline and the seagulls have an easy time of catching them.
A couple of more seagull shots at:
For tech geeks:
All of these shot (except the first one) are shot with Sigma 120-300/2.8 lens and a Sigma x2 teleconverter. I am pretty satisfied with the quality of the photos even with the TC. The autofocus is somewhat slower, but otherwise it seems to work just fine as long as there is enough light. The x2 TC loses two full stops of light.
Birds and macros
A week ago we finally had time to spend a weekend at our summer place. Some birds had found the bird box for the summer. I really like this shot where one of them is leaving the bird box with his wings wide open.
The flowers were also blooming:
Some more bird and macro shots at:
It has been a very busy spring. I have not taken as much photos as I would have liked to. Today I had a chance to take some macros while playing with the kids at the local park.
A couple of more shots at:
For tech geeks:
These shots are taken with my Sigma 18-50/2.8 lens. I had my 36mm extension tube along, but the closest focus distance (with the extension tube) is so close to the front lens, that I was continuously having water on the lens and decided to stop using it.