Misty sun rise

My oldest daugter Oona wanted to have an early morning nature trip during our summer holiday. I kept on looking at the weather forecast to find a suitable morning.  Finally a beautiful misty morning was on it’s way. The previous evening we packed along some breakfast and set the alarm at 5:00 AM.

We headed out to the nearby fields in search of deer. Oona wanted to go and see them. She had binoculars along and I had my camera. I was hoping to get some nature shots.

It turned out to be even better than I had anticipated. We spotted two deer families:

And the nature was showing us some magic with sun rising on misty fields. The below is a shot of a crane (I think) in the mist. I really like this shot as it shows what the morning was like. Just magic! I encourage all of you to do these early morning nature trips! A few more photographs from the trip: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2013-08-03+Misty+sun+rise/

Early morning mist

There is one positive thing about the kids waking up early – you get to witness how beautiful the nature can be in the morning. This photo is taken after a cold night that apparently created a magnificent mist in the air and frost on all the trees and bushes. The most beautiful thing about it was that the light and the composition of the mist was changing constantly. I stood outside without gloves taking photos until I suddenly realized that I could barely feel my fingers. It really was a special morning! Another one of my favorites:

This photo has a totally different mood, even though it was taken at the same time.

Rest of the photos are available at: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2013-03-31+Easter+sceneries/


I did my first ever timelapse video yesterday. Timelapse has been something I have wanted to try for a long time. So when I bought a triggertrap dongle for my ipad, it was time to test timelapse functionality on that.

The timelapse is a 4 hour time period from our parking lot compressed into 9 seconds:



For tech geeks:

I used a triggertrap (https://triggertrap.com/products/triggertrap-mobile/) application on my ipad and a triggertrap dongle to trigger my D2x for the timelapse. The application seems to work very well. There were a few extra shots in the middle, I don’t know where and why those came. For the timelapse I used a 59s interval to shoot photos over a 4 hour time period. To compile an AVI video file from the JPGs, I used a software called photolapse.

Triggertrap contains also some other cool functions that I am looking to test in the near future in more detail:

  • triggering from sound
  • triggering from motion


Winter day

This has been yet another very good winter so far. We got snow in the beginning of December and it has lasted since. Today was a magnificent winter day even with some sunshine. I believe today was the second shortest day of the year. I guess the sun wanted to let us know that we are slowly getting towards summer…:)

A few more shots from today: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2012-12-22+Winter+day/ 

Macros and scenery from Easter

It was another traditional Easter at Jenny’s parent’s summer place. And as usual the weather was amazing: two days of sunshine! The first day we got some snow and I decided to try to take some macros of the snowflakes.

During the next two sunny days, there were some magnificent sun sets, coltsfoot and ladybugs.

Rest of the photos in slideshow mode: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2012-04-08%20Easter%20macros%20and%20nature/?action=slideshow

…and in folder mode: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2012-04-08%20Easter%20macros%20and%20nature/

Winter wonderland

I’m having a little flu that is keeping me from doing any sports. To get some fresh air, I decided to go to Kartanonkoski in Espoo. As it was -26C this morning and sunshine, I was expecting to find a steaming stream and so I did.

Kartanonkoski is located in western Espoo.  I found the place last summer, thanks to my neighbor who kindly showed the place. A google maps link to the place: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=202175199404043962572.0004b837c3c63797a3001&ie=UTF8&ll=60.198609,24.582381&spn=0.020795,0.066047&t=h&z=15&vpsrc=6&iwloc=0004b837c3c9e11446fb2.

Rest of the photos from today are at: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2012-02-05%20Kartanonkoski/