Christmas surf

Pretty exceptional weather for Christmas: Air +7C, sea +6C and over 20m/s average wind.  With Henkka we decided to try some Christmas windsurfing. The wind was a little of a question mark: very strong, gusty and the direction was not optimal (west – north-west). We headed to Lauttasaari. When driving there, there were two fallen trees blocking the road going down to the beach. That was already starting to tell something about the strength of the wind. At the beach, the magnitude of the wind was clear. I decided that it was too much for myself. Henkka gave it a go. Enjoy!

Shooting in, on and under water

Oona shot from underwater (Ewa-Marine bag with on camera fill flash)

This blog post is trying to tell how and what I have learned when trying to take the camera near and into water. I am not a diver, so the camera is not going very deep so the hard diving camera boxes are not touched in this post. In the beginning it was just about finding a proper (and cheap) underwater bag, but later I wanted to be able to take flash photography in water, so I had to figure out different ways of taking the speedlights into water. Continue reading

Kiddo mountain biking


We have been biking quite a lot on the roads with Ode. As he is only three, I wasn’t expecting him to be mountain biking for the next few years. I was proven wrong yesterday! He insisted that I would take him to the local trails. I was expecting a bike pushing journey, but it turned out that he was really able to ride the trails! And today we had to go again. This time we had Odes buddy Kasper along. The kids mountain biked for one hour!! The rest of the shots from the trip:

For tech geeks

I had my camera with Nikkor 85/1.8 lens along. The weather was quite cloudy, so it was pretty dark in the forest. That’s the reason I took along the 85/1.8 lens. There was no point in taking any flashes etc. along, as the reason for this trip was to mountain bike, not take photographs 🙂 

Ultimate photo shoot


My sister plays ultimate and we have been planning to take some shots. Finally we were able to organize the photo shoot today. We had altogether three players and I was taking photos. The place is located near Tapiola, called Otsolahti. The location was chosen because it is the girls training ground. I was pretty satisfied with the results. All of the photos are at:

Thanks again for your extra effort girls!!! I really appreciate it!

For tech geeks

All photos are taken with three flashes. Two bare SB28s acting as rim lights and one SB80 through an umbrella with a 1/4 CTO gel as key. We got there about 45min before sunset, so the whole time ambient light was changing and it was bit of a challenge to adjust to the changing light. 

For these shots I used my 50-150/2.8 Sigma and Tokina 12-24/4.

Few shots of Henkka windsurfing


Yesterday we had a good windy day. I got a chance to get a few quick shots of Henkka windsurfing. The reason I was not in water windsurfing myself was that my own boom broke at Melkki (about 1km southeast of Lauttasaari) and I had to swim back in the 10-15m/s wind pulling my gear behind me. Lesson: Never buy a used boom! 🙂

Unfortunately it was already so late when I finally got back ashore and got my camera out that Henkka was also finishing. I did not get a any shots of his back or front loops….sorry about that! We agreed to do a photo shoot during this autumn to get those on camera. So watch this space in the future.

The rest of the few photos are at:

For tech geeks:

Nothing special here, I just quickly got my Sigma 50-150/2.8 and snapped a few shots before Henkka finshed. 




Mountainbiking with Bikepoli crew


Today instead of riding my bike, I decided to go and take some photos of our traditional Sunday ride. The plan was that I would meet the rest of the crew in the woods where I had a few ideas for shots. The rest of the shoot would be improvised. I got the shots, I was looking for plus extras. All in all a very good afternoon!

The whole set of photos can be found at: . There is quite a lot of repetition in the photos as the riders want to see photos of themselves. Please bear with it.

For tech geeks

All shots have 1 to 3 external flashes that are triggered with Elinchrome skyports. I used my Sigma 50-150/2.8, Tamron 17-50/2.8, Tokina 12-24 and even a few shots are taken with Samyang 8mm fisheye.